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Movie Quotes

Final Destination Quote(s)

Quote: I think one of us isn't coming home.
Quote: And you ain't takin me with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last words of the immortal Billy
Quote: in death there are no councidences no mishaps
Quote: If that was death's design for him and the my family then fuck death. I know that somewhere up there my dad had a full pack of cigarettes and just kept on driving, and him my mom and me we are still together.
Quote: So who's next?
Quote: Carter~i told you, you were next.
Alex~Then it just skipped me.
Carter~Then whose next
(falling sign kills carter)
Quote: Ok so what we blow a half a day in paris all becuase browny has a bad fucking dream....oh wait the plane its gonna blow up its gonna blow up...
Quote: please tell me ill get to see the jets win the superbowl
Quote: Clear Rivers: This gives me a rush!
Alex Browning: What? This place?
Clear Rivers: Doing something I'm not supposed to.

Quote: [in Carter's car]
Billy Hitchcock: Stay below the speed limit. And oh, don't pass on the right.
Carter: Wait a minute, I'm having a vision here.
[to Billy]
Carter: You're the next one man.
Billy Hitchcock: Hey man, why'd you say something like that?
Carter: Because if you don't shut up, *I'm* gonna fucking kill you!

Quote: Terry: I'm moving on, Carter. And if you want to waste your life beating the shit out of Alex every time you see him then you can just drop fucking dead!

Quote: Agent Weine: Nobody has control over life and death, unless they're taking life, causing death
Quote: Carter: I'm never gonna die
Quote: Hare Krishna: Death is not the end.
Val Lewton: It will be for you if you keep harassing my students
Quote: Tod Waggner: I never thought anything could look worse than my yearbook photo...
George: How do you think I feel having to look at you all the time?

Quote: Carter: As far as I know, this shit can circle around and get us all again. But for right now, I'm the safest fucker in the world, because you're still NEXT.
Quote: Billy Hitchcock: There they go, here we stay.
[As he watches the plane take off and then explode]

Quote: Billy Hitchcock: Carter, you dick!
Quote: Tod Waggner: We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast. But when we say this, we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. It never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun, or that death could arrive this same afternoon - this afternoon which is so certain, and which has every hour filled in advance.
Quote: Bludworth: In death there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes
Quote: Billy- That's right. You're next Carter. I'm stayin'the fuck away
from you. Carter- Shut up Billy, I don't need this. Billy- I don't
either. Get away from him he's next.... and you ain't takin' me with you!(metal shard decapitates Billy)
Quote: Whoa! Whoa! Mom, you gotta leave that on.
It's like... the tag made the last flight without
crashin' or anything, right?
So, it should stay on, or with,the bag for good luck.
Quote: Fate?, No I think is a guy gets hit by a bus it's because he wasn't looking
Quote: You tried to capitalize but I caught you. You Fuck!
Quote: It doesn't matter who's next, we're all on the same list!
Quote: 1.)Gives me a Rush!
2.)This Place?
3.)Doing something I'm not supposed to.
Quote: You got to go torque a wicked cable
Quote: We say that the hour of death cannot be forecast, but when we say this we imagine that the hour is placed in an obscure and distant future. Never occurs to us that it has any connection with the day already begun. Or that death could arrive this same afternoon. This afternoon which is so certain and which has every hour filled in advance...
Quote: Will I Live long enough to see the Jets win the Superbowl?
Quote: Clear: Do you kno what this is? Alex: um... its a springy head guy!
Clear: its you...its how you make me feel! Alex: im sorry!
Quote: There are no accidents, no coincidences, and no escapes.

Quote: John Denver ... John Denver died in a plane crash...
Quote: (1)What are you God,

(2) Of course not! God's aren't afraid to
die! Gods don't die! We do!

(3) You're losin' it.

Quote: (1)You should have been next. After
Lewton, you should've been next. That's
the only pattern. You should be dead.

(2) You're the fuckin' devil.

Quote: I am... so close to puking, you
don't wanna know.

Quote: And I fuckin' hated French class!

Quote: I didn't ask for what happened to me
on the plane. You can make fun of me.
You can think I'm a nut. I'm used to it.
I saved six lives but the entire school
acts like I'm a freak. Fine.
I'm not suffering from Post Traumatic
Stress. I haven't developed a
narcissistic deity complex. I'm not going
This just is. There's a pattern in place
for you. And you. There's a design for

And I'm not sure yet how... but I
intend to break this one.

Quote: They died! We lived!
Get over it! I won't let that plane
crash be the most important thing in my
life. I'm moving on, Carter, and if you're
gonna waste your life beating the shit out of
Alex everytime you see him, then you can just
drop fucking dead!

Quote: In Death...there are no accidents. No
coincidents. No mishaps.
And no... escapes.

Quote: And you can still feel it, can't you?
Something, from that day is still with you.
I know, because I can still feel you.

Quote: Don't talk to me. You scare the hell
out of me.

Quote: I'm never gonna die.

Quote: (1)
I'll stay.


No, you know the whole French
thing. Get on the plane.

Quote: (1)
Sir, we will remove you from the
aircraft if this continues.

I'll remove him.

Fuck you! I'll remove myself!

Quote: Good sign. Younger the better.
It would be a fucked up God to
take down this plane...A REALLY fucked up God.

Quote: Whoa! Whoa! Mom, you gotta leave
that on. It's like... the tag
made the last flight without
crashin' or anything, right?
So, it should stay on, or with,
the bag for good luck.

Quote: Rusted. Tetanus. Nice one. I overlooked it. You tried to capitalize, but I caught you. You fuck! I can beat you. Maybe not forever, but I have this cabin rigged to beat you now!
Quote: 1)If you don't stop, we will have to remove you from the plane. 2)Fuck it, I'll remove myself.
Quote: Well FUCK DESTINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: He was trippin' on formaldehyde
Quote: You may not realize it, but we're all just a mouse that a cat has by
it's tail. Every single move we make,from the mundane to the monumental...the red light we stop at, or run; the people we have sex with, or won't with us; the airplane we ride, or walk out of...is all a part of Death's sadistic design leading to the grave.

Quote: Dude, get wisdom. We're about to board a seven hour flight. The toilets in coach are barely ventilated closets.What if your body wants that airplane food out of your system and you have to go torgue
a wicked cable and then right after you walks in Christa or Blake? You want them to associate with you with that reflexive gag
and the watery sting in your eyes?

Quote: Man, that is one George Michael notch from being gay.
Quote: Dude, if we don't get someonegoing on this flight, we should just call Dr. Kervorkian and put ourselves out of our fuckin misery.

Quote: Dude, I so worked the ticket clerk so your sittin' next to Christa and
I'm next to Blake.

Quote: Seventeen and on the loose,ten days in Paris,in the
springtime! Live it up, Alex...

Quote: You don't even want to fuck with that,mack daddy!
Quote: I'll see you soon
Quote: Because of you i am still alive, Thank you
Quote: The fucking plane is gonna explode!
Quote: The fucking plane is gonna explode!!!
Quote: I didn't see what you saw.. but I felt it
Quote: You think knowing is gonna make it any easier Carter? It's not. It's gonna make it fucking harder!
Quote: We say that the time of death cannot be foretold, but in saying this we assume that it is hidden in some obscure moment in the not too distant future, never realising that it has any connection with the day already begun, this very day that is so certain, and has every moment planned in advance.
Quote: Drop fucking dead! (VROOM)

The quotes above are distinct quotations from the associated movie.

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